II - GO THERAPY! Episode II -
Emmanuelle Laurent - Mardi Noir
On the occasion of the April Full Moon, Paola Hivelin and Sophie Rokh continue their initiatory journey through the Tarot. This month, it is the arcana of The High Priestess that is in the spotlight. The hosts discuss this with Emmanuelle Laurent (aka Mardi Noir), a clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst, author and Youtuber. They discuss different aspects of psychoanalysis, from free association to the unconscious.
In this episode, you will find the Lunar Saga by Stéphanie Lafranque, aka La Tisanière Tatouée, Ecofeminist thoughts by Jeanne Burgart Goutal and Just The Good News Please, by Jo Youle. Marilyn Brentegani, who guides us every month on the path of medicinal plants in her Herboristerie Initiatique, will talk about archangelica. Enjoy your listening!
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Episode II
00:36 – Paola Hivelin and Sophie Rokh continue their initiatory journey through the Tarot, with this month’s arcane of the Goddess.
02:58 – What is psychoanalysis and what is the difference between psychology and psychiatry? Why explore your unconscious?
07:01 – Just the Good News, Please, Jo Youle’s column.
09:23 – Is psychoanalysis really sexist?
12:06 – Marilyn Brentegani’s initiatory herbalism: the archangelica angelica.
17:30 – What is the free association?
19:56 – What is ‘penis envy’?
23:51 – The ecofeminist thoughts of Jeanne Burgart Goutal.
33:16 – Emmanuelle Laurent talks about her relationship with the archetype of the witch.
34:23 – The Lunar Saga of Stéphanie Lafranque aka La Tisanière Tatouée.
39:03 – Our hosts talk about their own experience of therapy and Paola Hivelin shares a text by lawyer Michèle Idels, member of the MLF and author of Marie Langer – A feminist psychoanalyst in Argentina.
References cited
in the episode II
Readings by Paola Hivelin and Sophie Rokh
The Library of Esoterica vol2 – Tarot: Jessica Hundley, Taschen, 2021.
Marie Langer – Une psychanalyste féministe en Argentine: Martín Reca under the direction of Susana Elkin and Martin Reca, L’Harmattan, 2017.
Michèle Idels: French lawyer, member since 1971 of the collective Psychoanalysis and Politics (Mouvement de libération des femmes-MLF).
Where to find the work of Emmanuelle Laurent – Mardi Noir ?
Mardi Noir: Emmanuelle Laurent’s Youtube channel, an offbeat channel aiming to tackle psychoanalytic concepts.
Ça tourne pas rond: Weekly column by Emmanuelle Laurent on the Slate website.
Êtes-vous bien sûr d’être normal ? – Comment la psychanalyse m’a guérie des conventions: Mardi Noir, Flammarion, 2021.
Comme psy comme ça: Mardi Noir, Payot and Rivages, 2018.
References cited in Jeanne Burgart Goutal’s column
Val Plumwood: Australian philosopher, teacher and ecofeminist activist who has done work on anthropocentrism.
Dans l’œil du crocodile – L’humanité comme proie: Val Plumwood, Wild Project, 2021.
Free public organizations providing access to therapy in France
Centre médico-psychologique (CMP): The medical-psychological centers are free local structures that allow adults and children to discuss their psychological problems with the aim of directing them to the most appropriate specialized establishment.
Bureaux d’Aide Psychologique Universitaire (BAPU): Counseling centers for students who want psychological help, the consultations are covered by social security organizations at 100%.
Guest: Emmanuelle Laurent – Mardi Noir
Animation: Paola Hivelin et Sophie Rokh
Production: Gang Of Witches
Conception: Gang Of Witches
Editing, mix : Paola Hivelin et Sophie Rokh
Sound design: Gang Of Witches
Musics: Gang Of Witches / Mary J. Blige – The London Sessions, 2014 / Sabat Mater de Pergolèse, par Les Talents Lyriques, direction Christophe Roussel / Vol au-dessus d’un nid de Coucou, Jack Nitzsche, 1975
Photography: Jérémy Piette
Branding: Vivien Bertin
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