Episode #17 April 2021


Juliette Rousseau

On the occasion of this April full moon, known as the pink full moon, Sabrine Kasbaoui welcomes Juliette Rousseau, author, activist and journalist. Her book, Fighting Together: for new political complicities, published by Cambourakis in 2018, has just been released in paperback. At the microphone of Sabrine Kasbaoui, the author comes back on her journey as an activist, which allowed her to meet collectives struggling against the relationships of domination -related to class, gender, race or even physical and mental condition- at work in society, but also within these spaces of struggle. For more than a year, in the course of her activist affinities, from Paris to Jerusalem, passing through London and Tel Aviv, she went to discover forms of organization and solidarity allowing the creation of political complicities conscious of these crossed oppressions, what we also call: “intersectionality”.

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Episode #17

02:32 – Juliette Rousseau looks back on her childhood in Brittany and her journey as a militant and activist.

05:49 – The author talks about her process of deconstruction and the splits that remain in activist circles.

15:20 – How can we explain the current debates around single-sex meetings?

21:00 – Our guest tells us about her involvement in the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

25:26 – How is Bell hooks’ book, Ne suis je pas une femme?, a major reference in feminism?

29:13 – When does one become aware of one’s privilege?

34:11 – Chercher la sorcière, sound creation by Marjorie Delle-Case and Alexandra Fournier.

39:43 – What are the activist tools to be retained from the Sister Uncut and De-colonizer collectives?

46:11 – How to deconstruct your decolonial vision?

48:20 – Khamsa, all the colours of feminine creation, a chronicle by Louise Thurin.

54:19 – Why is the simultaneity of the struggles important? Juliette Rousseau explains why she wanted to translate La joie militante, construire des luttes en prise avec leurs mondes by Carla Bergman and Nick Montgomery.

References cited
in the episode #17

Juliette Rousseau: French author, activist and journalist.

Lutter ensemble : pour de nouvelles complicités politiques: Juliette Rousseau, 2018, éditions Cambourakis.

La joie militante – Construire des luttes en prise avec leurs mondes: Carla Bergman and Nick Montgomery, 2021, Editions du commun. Translation by Juliette Rousseau.

Ne suis-je pas une femme ?: Bell Hooks, 1981, published by Cambourakis.

La sorcellerie capitaliste: Philippe Pignarre and Isabelle Stengers, 2005, Editions La Découverte.

Sorcières, pourchassées, puissantes, queer: Anna Colin, 2013, Maison Populaire.

L’heure des sorcières: Anna Colin, 2014, Maison populaire.

Sister Uncut: British feminist direct action group opposing cuts to UK government services for victims of domestic violence.

De-colonizer: An alternative research centre on Israel and Palestine that aims to produce new knowledge and tools by reintegrating the public space through creative means.

The Dinner Party: Installation de Judy Chicago, 1974-1979, Brooklyn Museum.

Guess who’s coming to dinner too?: Installation by Patricia Kaersenhout (2017-2019), WOW Amsterdam. List of women exhibited and their biographies.

Bree Newsome: American filmmaker, musician, speaker and activist.

Gay Liberation: Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera.

Des vies de combat – Femmes, noires et libres: Audrey Célestine, 2020, éditions Iconoclaste.


Guest: Juliette Rousseau
Animation: Sabrine Kasbaoui
Production: Gang Of Witches
Conception: Gang Of Witches, Sabrine Kasbaoui
Editing: L’Arrière Boutique
Sound design: Gang Of Witches
Musics: Gang Of Witches, Sevdaliza – Darkest hour
Mix: Thibault Delage, Adrien Beccaria, L’Arrière Boutique
Photography: Sheila Menon
Branding: Vivien Bertin

Press review

they say

“The artistic collective Gang Of Witches launches on January 10th a podcast that resembles it. Understand: eco-feminist, intensely sororalistic and revolutionary. One of its presenters tells us a few words about it. To your helmets.”

Extract from the article from Clément Arbrun for TERRAFEMINA
8th of january 2020

Download the press review – FR [pdf – 3Mo]